Zero Chance of Passage team Celebrates Three Awards at Midwest Book Awards!

Zero Chance of Passage:  The Pioneering Charter School Story  was a top award winner at the May 8, 2013 Midwest Book Awards in Bloomington, Minnesota, winning the Current Events/Political Science Division, the Education/Learning Division, and for Total Book Design.  The book was also honored as a finalist in two other categories:  Autobiography/Memoir and History.

Here, Sherry Roberts, President of Midwest Independent Publishers Association, presents designer Jay Monroe of James Monroe Design and me as winners of the Total Book Design category.   Jay was the creative genius behind the cover and layout of the book. Standing with Jay in the picture to the right are other key contributors to the book:  Louise Sundin, contributing Commentary writer and former president of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers; Dana Schroeder, key editorial advisor for the book, who conducted fifteen interviews and painstaking research; and Jon Schroeder, who is a former policy aide to U.S. Senator Dave Durenberger and served as a resource for the story.

And of course, it all couldn’t have happened without the support of my family who joined us in the picture below:  husband Mike Junge; sister-in-law Mary Junge and sister Helene Johnson.  What a wonderful night to share with family and our book team—I couldn’t be more grateful!

The book is co-published by Beaver’s Pond Press of Minneapolis and Charter Schools Development Corporation of Hanover, Maryland.